From the P.B. & J. Outreach Saturday January 20, 2024
This past Saturday morning in the crisp 4 degree weather, you would find members of the Stella team setting up to help our Mexican Town friends in Detroit. We normally have 60-80 people but today we had maybe 40.
Why it matters to us
For the past 18 years, we have volunteered and donated to make over 800 sandwiches, hot food, coffee, hot chocolate and an assortment of snacks to help people get through the day. This is organized at three separate locations in the area by P.B. & J.
This is one way Stella supports people in our community. Our goal as a company is to help as many people as we can. Sometimes that’s remodeling their home, having a kind word for someone who needs it, donating to worthy causes that build the people up in our community or volunteering to help those that really need it.

How P.B. & J. Outreach helps our community
We’re proud to serve alongside other businesses and individuals in our community to support the work that P.B. & J. Outreach does. Consider joining us!
If you don’t know ….
P.B.J. (Peanut Butter and Jelly) Outreach, Inc. is a non-profit organization focused on feeding and clothing the poor and marginalized living in the Detroit metropolitan area. The organization unites volunteers and equips them to obtain, prepare and distribute food and clothing while creating an awareness of our obligation to service others.
From the P.B.&J. Outreach website
If you’re interested in learning more about them, visit their website at https://www.pbjoutreach.org/.